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(+34) 972 697 990
From Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
C/ Migdia, 37 2n A - 17002 Girona
Experience, seriousness, and service


The English Club

If you are interested in the English club, contact us for more information

Business English

Ensure that your staff have the necessary skills for their work with our personalised business courses.

We offer comprehensive learning programmes for your whole team, whatever the starting level.

Our flexible and mixed approach to teaching makes it possible for employees to study both at work and home.

In this way, we establish measurable objectives to ensure that each student, and the company itself, can track progress.

Subsidised training

Do you know that all Spanish companies have training allowances to pay courses for their workers?

The English Club is affiliated to FUNDAE (State Foundation for Employment Training), enabling us to help you reduce the cost of the courses.

We undertake all of the paperwork to obtain the subsidy, so relieving the company of any additional work.

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